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When the status quo doesn’t reflect what you value, it’s time for a rebellion.

Monetize your marketplace your way.
Kevel Retail Media Kevelnault

Your vision is worth getting
right from the start

At Kevel we believe in helping you get there faster. By creating a better user experience with your own ad platform, you not only make the internet a better place, you also create a new, stable income stream for your retail business that you have full ownership of.
Before Kevel, we couldn’t personalize the featured deals — leading to a less than ideal user experience. Now, we can ensure our community sees deals in which they would genuinely be interested, as opposed to random ads.
Slickdeals icon
Eugene Faynberg
With Kevel, we now fully oversee our retail media program, giving us full control of our revenue and partnerships.
Klarna Icon
Media Services Group Lead
Kevel's APIs helped us build the fastest, most innovative ad product in our industry.
Edmunds logo
Director of Ad Engineering

Success shouldn’t cost you more. We don’t take revenue shares

Kevel’s SaaS business model means you pay a flat platform fee + a usage fee. As your business grows, your platform fee stays the same and your usage fee decreases as usage increases.
saas vs revsahre graph

Your ad tech should be future-proof

We’re privacy and security focused, always

Fast Ad Serving

Client side ad serving requires more to be loaded with each page load, which leads to higher latency and a reduced user experience. Avoid this SEO killer with Kevel’s low latency server-to-server solution.

Avoid Revenue Loss From Ad Blockers

Third party ad blockers are typically based on blocking javascript that’s implemented on the client, because Kevel’s solution does not depend on javascript tags, we circumvent lost revenue that comes with ad blocking.

Safeguard Your Site

Putting any scripts on the client can potentially be a security risk, ad injection and malicious ad attacks start from client side code. Kevel’s server-to-server ad serving removes that risk.
Kevel ad platform

Your data and tech should belong to you

Own your advantage
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Your data is your advantage
Your data is one of your most powerful advantages, and we believe you should have control over it. We don’t use customer data to power a secondary business model built off of customer data. We are strictly infrastructure.
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Unify and simplify management
With all of your data and ad tech in one place, you can unify and simplify your ad platform management. Eliminate the need for multiple ad tech vendors while eliminating security risks and reducing management time costs.

When you own your data, you can leverage your first-party data to increase lifetime conversions

Lasso Icon
Closed loop attribution enables better insight and attribution into advertiser ROI.
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Onsite behavioral data, preferences, and purchase history provides valuable insight for a better ad experience and ad performance.
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Cross-channel activations allow for an omni-channel experience, reaching highly valuable shoppers wherever they are, be it on-site, off-site, social, or in store.

Ads shouldn’t suck

A good user experience provides a competitive advantage in crowded marketplaces and makes the internet a better place for us all. Offer your advertisers quality, server-side ads that blend right in with your site.
Kevel Ad Formats Sponsored Listings
Sponsored listings
Kevel Ad Formats Native Ad
Native ads
Kevel Ad Formats Shoppable Video
Shoppable video

Build the perfect ad platform with our retail media features

Kevel Catalog makes it easy to create sponsored product ads with your own product feeds. Whatever your taxonomy, whatever your schema, we can handle it. If there are product updates to your feed, Kevel Catalog will reflect the changes.
Flexible ad formats
Sponsored ads are easy to get started with, but be sure to plan for the future and allow room to grow with flexible ad formats. Kevel can serve whatever you want in whatever format helps you differentiate yourself from the competition.
Revenue attribution
Take advantage of closed loop attribution and select the right attribution model (last click, last view) and lookback window(7 day, 14 day) for your campaigns.
Flexible selling tactics
First price and second price auctions. Guaranteed, takeovers, SOV. Kevel gives you the flexibility.
Variable targeting
Contextual (search term, category, or other) and user segmentation are two sides of the targeting coin. Kevel helps you cover both.
Return on ad spend
Every dollar counts and proving out ROAS helps make the case for more ad spend.
Manage multiple demand sources
Managed services, advertiser self serve, programmatic guaranteed, private marketplace deals, third party programmatic demand, manage it all with Kevel.
Facet filters
Preserve user experience by showing ads that honor selected filters for search results. Your users are showing their preference, your ads should match.
We all have goals to hit, but not enough time to sit around and optimize. Let Kevel’s ROAS targeted auto-bidding optimize to your goals.

Trusted by innovative retailers around the world

Ticketmaster LogoSlickdeals LogoChairish LogoKidizen LogoRealself LogoEdmunds LogoYelp LogoBlockthrough LogoWetransfer LogoCornershop Logo

Ready to Join the Rebellion?

Talk to an ad platform expert about how to scale your ad business.